Friday, December 23, 2011

Nighttime Fairies

I've been working on a "shadow" book for the last couple weeks. Are you familiar with "shadow books"? You shine a flashlight through the acetate window in the book, and the image appears on the wall or ceiling as you read the story. My sister, created the adorable illustrations, and I can't help but seeing the resemblance between this fairy, and my cousin's daughter Kendall...can you? I wonder if it was a coincidence. I keep forgetting to ask her, but maybe she'll let us know when she reads my blog!

I had fun writing the text for the book...about the magic fairies scatter in the night while you're sleeping. It was great to see my words come to life as my sister illustrated it. I'll post an image of the cover soon. It just went into production yesterday, so should be out early next summer!

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